Vintage-style furniture is on-trend these days. It creates a unique look and style that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

Distressed Wood Veneer Console Table, , large

What Is Vintage-Style Furniture?

Any piece of furniture that is at least more than 20 years old or has 20 years of age and is restored comes under the label of vintage furniture.

There are two vintage categories in furniture: retro and used. The one dating from the 1950s to 1980s is retro furniture, while the one dating from the mid-1980s and ahead is regarded as used furniture. However, the mid-century modern style furniture dating from the first decade of this century is both retro and vintage.

What is Vintage Style Furniture?

Many furniture brands are recreating the particular “vintage style” by constructing furniture that closely resembles retro or used vintage furniture. Thus, any piece of furniture that resembles vintage furniture of the 20th century comes under the category of Vintage style furniture.

In a technical sense, being old does not imply that furniture is vintage, although many people interchangeably use the terms vintage and old. For being vintage, the furniture piece must be reminiscent of the defined style of that period. For instance, an Eames chair is one of the best examples of retro or vintage furniture of the mid-century modern era. Any piece of furniture exhibiting the best characteristics of that era belongs to vintage-style furniture.

Caitbrook Dining Table and Chairs (Set of 7), , large

Characteristics of Vintage-Style Furniture?                 

There are several reasons for the popularity of vintage furniture these days.

  • Creates a Unique Look

Though with time, vintage pieces that were once ubiquitous and mass-produced become less common. As they are not typical and become more unusual, they give unique style and individuality to your décor. Moreover, it can also add a “cool” factor that is impossible to achieve with modern and contemporary pieces.

Vintage furniture covers a range of furniture, and it gives you two choices to decorate your home. You can either choose a retro/vintage-era furniture piece, for instance, mid-century modern and recreate the style, or select different pieces from different eras and unite them harmoniously to create a cohesive look.

  • Expensive

Although vintage furniture (the retro and used furniture) offers fine quality on a limited budget, vintage style furniture, constructed by many brands is extremely expensive. As compared to contemporary furniture, vintage-style furniture is expensive. Anyone looking to create a vintage look in the modern days must have a huge budget for it.

  • Earth-Friendly

Vintage furniture is earth-friendly, and decorating with vintage makes you planet-friendly. To decorate with vintage furniture means that you are environmentally conscious as only natural materials such as wood and upholstery fabrics are used in manufacturing. Moreover, there is no need to grind wood pieces and make them smooth because vintage-style furniture has a rough texture. Lastly, there is no need to use finished and paints as scratches, cracks, and scrapes look natural.

How to Decorate Your Home with Vintage-Style Furniture

Furnishing a home with vintage-style pieces is both classic and cool. Vintage is an excellent choice for those who admire and see the beauty in old, imperfect, and tattered covers, frayed edges, and worn-out and faded furniture. Filling your home with vintage-style furniture is all about filling it with character and charm. Fairdeal Furniture recommends some simple ways to incorporate vintage-style pieces into any space to decorate your home. These easy steps will help you achieve the classic vintage/dated look with vintage-style furniture if you want to create a new and fresh look with vintage furniture.

Before you start decorating with vintage furniture, you have to let go of your traditional/conventional ideas of “home décor.” Vintage is different, unusual, unexpected, unique, and extraordinary. You have to stray from the norm to achieve the classic vintage look.

Moreover, instead of completely renewing your furniture with vintage-style furniture, start with simple, small, and subtle changes. For instance, decorating your table with an old vintage vase can be a good start. This tiny and simple start will add character and appeal to your room’s look.

Decorate Your Home with Vintag-Style Furniture

1.      Pair Vintage & Neutral Colors

The best way to use vintage-style pieces is to pair vintage colors with fresh and neutral colors. As the color you choose to decorate your home has a lot of energy, you must look for something appealing and soothing to your eyes. Vintage decors make their statement, and therefore, FFL recommends you minimize all other commotions so that the unique and beautiful pieces stand out.

2.      Incorporate Vintage with Contemporary Decor

Incorporating vintage with contemporary décor is one of the eclectic ways to give your home a unique look. Combining multiple styles can create a unique mixture. Moreover, this incorporation can make you lose track that which furniture piece is contemporary and which one is not. It can also create a home look as if it is collected overages, not something that has come straight out of a catalog.

3.      Use Vintage as Spotlight Pieces

Vintage-style pieces don’t always need to be statement pieces. Most of the time, incorporating vintage as a spotlight is enough for a unique look. For instance, you can use a vintage trunk as a coffee table. Moreover, you can make your bedroom a mixture of traditional and modern lines so that the vintage trunk/coffee table blends with it.

4.      Create Contrast between Old and New

It is observed that vintage-style furniture is often mixed with traditional or contemporary-style furniture. However, if you combine vintage with ultra-modern furniture, it will create an entirely new look. For instance, pairing the ultra-modern furniture with Victorian-style furniture can create an unexpected yet exciting juxtaposition.

5.      Mix Vintage-Style with Reproductions

Incorporating vintage in a modern home could be tricky as you have to strictly stick to trendy furniture pieces for the best look. However, you can mix vintage with the modern furniture that is made/reproduce to look vintage.


William Morris says, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” Decorating your home with vintage-style furniture can create an entirely new look. You do not need a complete range of vintage-style furniture to make your home look dated. All you need is some pieces and make it count and work.

Fairdeal Furniture suggested to you some exciting ways to decorate your home with vintage furniture. In the comments below, let us know what direction you see yourself in in terms of decorating your home with Vintage pieces and mixing styles.